Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Palestine National Mesures

The Palestinian pool of business projects also presents an interesting mix of microfinance solutions, in the form of loans at low interest rates and non-repayable grants. The main national measure is Start Up Palestine, which by financing the creation and development of businesses through microcredit, has managed, during the last three years, to grant 2475 loans, 126 of which are for start-ups. We also find local measures that combine economic support with tutoring and training: SMEs, Ejada, Creative Cluster Campus are just some of them. Metaverse was an interesting experiment where different workshops and training were provided to 90 participants going through a selection process to provide 3 ventures with a fund.

NAMEStartup PalestineACAD ForsaCreative cluster campusEjadaGrow“Women’s economic and entrepreneurship empowerment Hub”EbtakerSMEsMetaverse
FINANCED ACTIVITYCreation and strengthening of existing businessesCreation and strengthening of new/existing businessesCreation of new businesses + training activities (incubation program)Creation of new businesses+Strengthening of existing businesses+Specific investments +Training activitiesStrengthening of existing businesses + investments + trainingCapacity building & skill development programA platform that supports fintech initiativesWe provide funding for all industries that provide products that include (Agriculture, Industry, Trading, Services, Tourism, and ITC).The funding cover operating costs, fixed assets, working capital, new line productions, and operational
Within the framework of this program, different workshops and training were provided to 90 participants and they went through a selection process to provide 3 ventures with a fund.
TYPE OF FINANCINGLow-interest loan ( no collaterals + repayment up to 6 years)Low-interest loan ( with collaterals + repayment up to 60 months)Non-repayable grantNon-repayable grantNon-repayable grantNon-repayable grantLow-interest loan ( with collaterals + repayment up to 5 years)Non-repayable grant
ACTIVATIONOne-stop shopOne-stop shopCall with deadlineCall with deadlineCall with deadlineCall with deadlineOne-stop shopCall with deadline
FINANCEABLE AMOUNT4,000 – 40,000$5,000 – 30,000$20.000$8,000 – 10,000$2,000 – 6,000$25,000 – 75,000$5,000 – 20,000$
TYPE OF SOCIAL STRUCTUREFemale, Over 50, Unemployed, Disadvantaged groups, Youth
Female, Youth, Start-upsAllIndividual youthFemalCompanies
TYPE OF SUPPORTOnly financialOnly financialFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/training