Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Our Partners

Lead Beneficiary

Italian – Arab Chamber of Cooperation

The Italian-Arab Chamber of Cooperation was founded in 1972, with the aim of promoting economic cooperation and trade relations between Italy and Arab countries.

During the 50 years of activity the Chamber favored the internationalization of companies, offering them a framework of knowledge and information as well as specific technical and operational support, intended for both large and medium-sized companies and small and micro companies.

The relationships and multiple agreements with authorities and institutions, with research agencies and institutes, with business organizations and chambers of commerce are functional to this goal, as well as the collaboration agreements with Simest, Invitalia, business networks, banking and financial institutions.

The Chamber of Commerce is associated with large companies from the public and private sectors, medium and small companies, banks, Chambers of Commerce, organizations and associations.

The website offers information and databases, especially aimed at encouraging contacts and the development of trade and economic cooperation between Italy and the Arab countries.


Calabria Region

The Italian Region of Calabria’s medium- and long-term goals are to promote an inclusive and welcoming community based on lifelong learning and cultural diversity. The Region recognizes the fundamental need of investing in education and knowledge and embraces the 2030 Agenda. In this context, Region Calabria’s local institutions support initiatives focused not only on the promotion of cultural heritage, equity and sustainability, but also the improvement of citizens’ welfare. Yes I start up Calabria is one of the example: project intended for the training and accompaniment to self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, of young NEETs throughout the country, Regional intervention plans for the integration of citizens from third countries /Support to NEET-youth self-employment and self-entrepreneurship and Start-ups support.


FEDERTERZIARIO is a non-profit, Employers’ Organization that has been working alongside Small and Medium Enterprises in the service, industrial, commercial, agricultural and small business sectors and the self-employed sector in general for nearly 30 years.
FEDERTERZIARIO currently represents about 90,000 enterprises.
FEDERTERZIARIO has an organization structured in about 80 Territorial Associations that guarantee territorial coverage both in terms of representativeness and the spread of the Services offered.
FEDERTERZIARIO to date, has signed, actively participating in the consultation phase, 23 CCNL in the most diverse labor sectors, all characterized by three fundamental principles: flexibility, bilaterality, innovation and training.
FEDERTERZIARIO, which has always been able to rely on an efficient internal structure for planning and managing training, has trained 76,424 employees of member companies over time, supported 9,837 companies on training topics and implemented 2,729 Projects.


Leaders International, is an international network of local organisations specialised in planning, managing, and monitoring innovation and economic development interventions in developing economies, fragile states, and post-conflict countries. It was established in 2004 with a vision to deliver prosperity and economic growth to people across the Middle East and North Africa.

Through its global network of partners, Leaders International delivers professional project-management services with particular focus on private-sector development, job creation, innovation, entrepreneurship, and access to markets. It manages a multi-million active portfolio of development grants and service contracts; aiming to advance and transform developing economies while respecting environmental, ethical, and social values of those it serves. 

Leaders International, with its team in Brussels, Amman, and Ramallah, has one primary goal; ensuring the access of beneficiaries to the necessary means and resources for development and economic prosperity.


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax is a public establishment of economic interest, with legal personality and financial autonomy and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Commerce.
The missions of the CCIS is :

  • to contribute to the promotion of the private sector and to the impulse of the initiative and the investment in the regions
  • to provide the public authorities with all proposals, opinions and information.
  • to contribute to the reinforcement of the relations of cooperation and partnership with the foreigner.
  • to provide training and economic information.
  • To provide services for the company.


The Chamber was established in 1933 as a non – profit organization under public law , with the aim of protecting and prompting economic interests by developing a constructive relationship between the private the and the public entities.

The CCI Objectives are targeted at two levels: to take care of member’s interest, and at the same time, to represent the country’s economic sectors.

Its Objectives can be summarized as follows:

  • Rebuilding the human and structural capacities of SME’s, and advancing its efficiency and ability to perform its functions.
  • Serving as a special platform to address the concerns of the business community and to put accross to the government the business views of the private sector.
  • Providing information and a network of contacts to potential members and to businessmen with direct Lebanese business dealings, as well as to those who have an intention to do business in Lebanon.
  • Developing its world wide web internet site with a plan for regular update, links to other sites, and creative expansion.
  • Establishing an information administration center with the aim to promote the efficient and effective use of information gathered, and formalize this information as a key asset in the business development of the South Region.


Chamber of Achaia is among the first Chambers of Greece with a long history, established on 1836, It is a Public Law Legal Entity and offers consultative services to the Government.

Chamber of Achaia is considerably active in the field of enhancing innovative entrepreneurship, developing international outlook and competitiveness of SMEs and fostering potential start-up entrepreneurs and newly-established micro and small enterprises.

Moreover Chamber of Achaia participates in several initiatives that foster the development of entrepreneurship and implements special actions related to sustainable growth of the Region of Western Greece. More specifically the Chamber of Achaia is the leading part of the Managing Authority of European Programmes related to SMEs of Western Greece, Peloponnesus, Ipeiros and Ionian Islands. The specific MA is responsible for the evaluation, and monitoring of all investments realized by the SMEs within the frames of EC Funding.


The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate body functioning under special law and is financially independent, free of any influence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members’ subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services it provides.

The basic objective of the CCCI is to safeguard and steadily develop the Cyprus Economy in order to continuously improve the standard of living and prosperity of all the people of Cyprus.

This objective outlines and determines the policy of the CCCI and its activities which aim at offering high quality services to members, including:

  • Promotion of the interests of the business community, within the framework of the broader interests of Cyprus and the welfare of its people.
  • Strengthening of private initiative which constitutes the backbone of the economy while safeguarding and promoting, at the same time, the liberal character of the economic system of Cyprus.
  • Being abreast of the economic developments and maximising the contribution of the business community to the country’s progress.
  • Contributing towards continuous and balanced growth nationwide, within the framework of the European Union


AGER is based is Tunis, Tunisia and is working in the support of development project, socially responsible agricultural entrepreneurship, financial and social inclusion. Three main types of services provided are:

  • The animation and the accompaniment of the participative steps aiming at the creation of rural organizations
  • Advice and assistance to cooperatives
  • The realization of projects in the field of professional organization

Integrated agricultural development project: facilitating the beneficiaries’ access to adapted and innovative financial resources, and thus enabling them to envisage and develop their professional projects.

Development and Implementation of support and promotion programs for value chains with professional agricultural organizations: finalized in implementing new partnerships with the aim of drawing up support an action development programs for the benefit of organizations of young producers.

Associated Partners

European Crowdfunding Network

EUROCROWD, registered as the European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN) in 2013 in Belgium, is an independent, professional business network promoting adequate transparency, regulation and governance in digital finance while offering a combined voice in policy discussion and public opinion building.

EUROCROWD execute initiatives aimed at innovating, representing, promoting and protecting the European crowdfunding industry as a key aspect of innovation within alternative finance and financial technology, including crypto assets and distributed ledger technologies.

EUROCROWD aims to increase the understanding of the key roles that digital finance can play in supporting entrepreneurship of all types and its role in funding the creation and protection of jobs, the enrichment of European society, culture and economy, and the protection of our environment.

EUROCROWD maintains a dialogue with public institutions and stakeholders as well as the media at European, international and national levels.

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