Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups


ADAPT – Appui au Développement durable dans le secteur de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche artisanale en Tunisie
Name of responsible organization: AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development
Starting year2020End year2028
ADAPT is a programme financed by the European Union and implemented by AICS (Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development) in partnership with the WFP (World Food Programme) for an overall amount of 44.4 Million Euros. ADAPT fosters transition towards sustainable production systems in agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectors by supporting the improvement of economic, social and environmental performances of value chains operators. The main focus is support to private sector (Family Agriculture Farms, SME/SMI, SMSA/SMSP) in agriculture sector through a 25 million worth support fund. ADAPT’s contribution is a grant as support ot equity on the economic operators matching a loan (bank, client, supplier, leasing or other) in order to have a leverage effect in terms of investment, and to ensure the engagement of the operation and to contribute to his/her financial inclusion

What kind of activity does this measure finance?

Creation of new businessesYES
Strengthening of existing businessesYes 
Specific investments – specify type (i.e. innovation, research, environmental transition, hiring, internationalization, purchase of goods)No specific sector, but the investment must support the environmental sustainability of the activity 
Training activitiesYes
Other (specify)

What type of financing is it?

Low-interest loan (indicate the repayment time and, if present, the requirement for collateral)No
Non-repayable grant (indicate the percentage of non-repayable fund)Yes 14% grant as top up to a grant obtained by the beneficiary
Tax creditNo
Other (specify)Yes/No

How does the activation of the measure work?

One-stop means Rolling call. People apply at any time as soon as they have received a loan and they respect the criteria of social , economic and environmental sustainability 
Call with closing date

Financial entity of the measure (indicate the resources allocated)

Overall amount25 million EUR
% facilitation for each recipient14%
Minimum amount that can be financed
Maximum amount that can be financed70.000 EUR
Origin of financial resources (European, State, Regional authority, Municipal authority, other)European

Type of funded social structure (indicate if belonging to a specific category is required in order, to access the measure)

FemaleOver 50Unemployed (specify any type)Disadvantaged groups (specify type)Youth (specify age range)Other (specify)
Company YesYesNoNoYesYes

Does the measure provide for accompaniment and training or only financial support?

Financial support + accompaniment/training
Only Financial supportX

How many initiatives have been financed in the last 3 years and for what economic amount?

Number of initiatives   0 (initiative in pilot phase)Total economic amount
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