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Italy National Measures – Italia Economia Sociale

  Italia Economia Sociale
ObjectiveItaly Social Economy is a subsidy program of the Ministry of Economic Development aimed at the birth and growth of companies that operate for the pursuit of purposes of social utility and general interest. The Program is operational throughout the national territory.
TargetThe concessions are aimed at the following types of companies: social enterprises of which legislative decree D.Lgs. n. 112 of 03/07/2017 established in the form of a company;social cooperatives (Law no. 381 of 08/11/1991 and subsequent amendments) and related consortia;cooperative companies with the status of ONLUS (Legislative Decree No. 460 of 04/12/1997 and subsequent amendments and additions).
Business activities admittedThe business project must pursue one of the following objectives:
– Employment increase of disadvantaged workers
– Social inclusion of vulnerable people;
– Safeguard and enhancement of the environment, the territory and the historical;
– Cultural heritage;
– Achievement of any other benefit deriving from activities of – public interest or social utility capable of meeting specific needs of the community or territory
Facilitated fundingIt finances investment programs between € 200 thousand and € 10 million. 
Eligible expensesThe following investment costs are eligible:
– Company land and its accommodations (max 10% of the total eligible investment);buildings, building / masonry works, including renovations;
– New factory machinery, plants and equipment;computer programs commensurate with the production and management needs of the company;
– Patents, licenses and trademarks;
– Specialist training of the partners and employees of the beneficiary company, functional to the implementation of the project;
– Specialist consultancy, such as economic-financial feasibility studies, design and construction management, environmental impact assessment studies;charges for building permits and legal tests;
– Expenses for obtaining environmental or quality certifications;general expenses inherent in the conduct of business activities.
Facilities Funding of up to 80% of eligible expenses is envisaged, the concessions provide for the granting of de minimis aid up to 80% of eligible expenses:
– Subsidized loan at a rate of 0.5% per annum and with a maximum duration of 15 years, granted by the Ministry of Economic Development, drawn from the resources of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which must necessarily be combined with a bank loan equal to 30% of the total loan granted by the lending bank identified among those accredited;
– Non-refundable contribution up to a maximum of 5% of eligible expenses for investment programs that do not exceed € 3,000,000.00.
Managing BodyMinistry of Economic Development
Deadline for submissionUntil funds are exhausted
Modality for submissionOne stop shop
SubmissionThe application and the forms provided must be sent to the Ministry of Economic Development, in the appropriate Social Enterprises section of the site, exclusively online, by certified email, to the address
Evaluation ProcessApplications are evaluated in chronological order of arrival.
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