Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Lebanon National Mesures – Grow – Cowater group

Grow – Cowater group (Generating revenue opportunities for Women and Youth)
Name of responsible organization: Asala (Palestinian Businesswomen’s association)
Starting year2019End year2022
Short description of the program 
Grow project responds to the development needs and challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the West Bank, to move beyond their essential but largely unrecognized roles, ultimately contributing to their increased voice and agency in both social and economic spheres, while enhancing the overall productivity and competitiveness of the target value chains within the agribusiness subsector.   70 women-led ventures get training on financial literacy, and 20 get financial support in marketing and branding

What kind of activity does this measure finance?

Creation of new businessesProvide only technical support
Strengthening of existing businessesYes, 20 Labeling, Branding, and Packaging of their products
Specific investments – specify the type (i.e. innovation, research, environmental transition, hiring, internationalization, purchase of goods),Yes, Women-led SMEs
Training activitiesYes 
Other (specify)Yes/No

What type of financing is it?

Low-interest loan (indicate the repayment time and, if present, the requirement for collateral)No
Non-repayable grant (indicate the percentage of the non-repayable fund)Yes
Tax creditNo
Other (specify)Yes/No

How does the activation of the measure work?

One-stop-shop  (physical or virtual), where the potential beneficiary can go whenever he/she wants.No
Call with closing dateYes

Financial entity of the measure (indicate the resources allocated)

Overall amount$320,813
% facilitation for each beneficiary 
Minimum amount that can be financed
Maximum amount that can be financed
Origin of financial resources (European, State, Regional Authority, Municipal authority, other)Canadian Government

Type of funded social structure (indicate if belonging to a specific category is required in order, to access the measure)

Female (MUST)Over 50UnemployedDisadvantaged groups Youth (18-24)Other (specify)
New Ideas616178538122
SME/ Existing Businesses398416349

Does the measure provide for accompaniment and training or only financial support?

Financial support + accompaniment/trainingYes
Only Financial support

How many initiatives have been financed in the last 3 years and for what economic amount?

Number of initiatives 4Total economic amount  $700,000
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