Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

TRACE North-West

TRACE Jendouba – Béja
Name of responsible organization: Microfinanza Srl – ACK International – AGER
From 2021-2024
Support the job creation in the agricultural sector in rural areas in the north-west of Tunisia
The programme TRACE is financed by a donation of the Government of the Netherlands through a trust fund managed by the World Bank. The objective of the programme is to create employment targeting especially young people and women, in the rural, agricultural, and agri-food sectors, by enhancing productivity and resilience of small Tunisian producers. Furthermore, it aims at strengthening professional organisations’ and SMEs competitiveness thanks to a better access to knowledge, innovation and financial services.

The project manages a 3M USD fund to provide a contribution to 220 rural enterprises in the region of Jendouba et Béja, in the north-west of Tunisia (the fund is looking for a leverage effect project contribution + bank/MFI/Leasing credit + own funds)


Guichet TRACE – Jendouba
Centre d’affaires North Solutions Coworking à Bousalem
Tél : +216 78 633 400
E-mail :
Adresse : Cité el hedi khlil 8170 Bou Salem, Tunisie (lien google maps)

Guichet TRACE – Béja
Agro services
Tél : +216 39 192 216
E-mail :
Adresse : Avenue de l’Environnement, Immeuble B, 1er étage, BEJA

What kind of activity does this measure finance?

Creation of new businessesNo
Strengthening of existing businessesYes 
Specific investments – specify type (i.e. innovation, research, environmental transition, hiring, internationalization, purchase of goods)Yes
Training activitiesYes
Other (specify)Yes: immaterial services (non material services – training, authorizations, regularization of decent work, other)

What type of financing is it?

Low-interest loan (indicate the repayment time and, if present, the requirement for collateral)No
Non-repayable grant (indicate the percentage of non-repayable fund)Yes Contribution up to a maximum of 30% focuses on 14%(investment)  16% immaterial services (non material services – training, authorizations, regularization of decent work, other)
Tax creditNo
Other (specify)Yes/No

How does the activation of the measure work?

One-stop means 
Call with closing date
Open procedure – guichet ouvert

Financial entity of the measure (indicate the resources allocated)

Overall amount3 mln USD
% facilitation for each recipient30% (14+16)
Minimum amount that can be financed14% of the investment, no minimum threshold
Maximum amount that can be financed30% of the investment, no maximum threshold (by the moment)
Origin of financial resources (European, State, Regional authority, Municipal authority, other)World Bank

Type of funded social structure (indicate if belonging to a specific category is required in order, to access the measure)

FemaleOver 50Unemployed (specify any type)Disadvantaged groups (specify type)Youth (specify age range)Other (specify)
IndividualYesYesNo YesYesYes
Company YesYesNoYesYesYes

Does the measure provide for accompaniment and training or only financial support?

Financial support + accompaniment/trainingx
Only Financial supportX

How many initiatives have been financed since now?

Number of initiatives   58
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