Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Greece: Groundbreaking open event “Market Place Platform & Team Dynamics” in Vonitsa city|2.8.2023

Entrepreneurs, we have an important announcement for you!

The Chamber of Achaia, in partnership with Rest@rts, is delighted to extend a warm invitation to a groundbreaking open event focused on “Team Dynamics on the Marketplace Platform.” This event boasts a unique synergy with the Chamber of Aitoloakarnania’s initiative “Participation in the international exhibition Gastvrij Rotterdam 2023,” adding an international dimension to the discussions.

Aspiring entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts are invited to participate in this special occasion, where we will engage in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) consultancy sessions, diving deep into the essential aspects of empowering effective team dynamics in the business landscape.

Date of Event:

August 2 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Place of Event:

Kyprou Makariou
Vonitsa, 30002 Greece

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