Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

Subscribe to ReSt@rts newsletter to discover our events, activities and opportunities in the field of access to finance

The ReSt@rts project will launch its first newsletter, which will include the project’s latest development in the 6 partner countries: Italy, Palestine, Tunisia, Greece, and Cyprus.

Subscribe to the ReSt@rts newsletter through this link:

By subscribing to our newsletter, you will be the first to receive:

  • The latest news and national updates about the project.
  • Thematic insights.
  • Online and offline events.
  • Consultancy and job opportunities.

ReSt@rts project, funded by ENI CBC Med Programme with 1 million euros (90% of the total budget), with the aim to contribute to stimulating access to finance in the Mediterranean, by broadening the funding options and encouraging the use of alternative finance.

ReSt@rts Logo

If you do not already have a ReSt@rts Account follow the link to request one.