Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

MEASURES – Italy National Measures


In Italy, Invitalia is the National development agency that manages all the national incentives that favor the creation of new businesses and innovative startups. Together with the National Microcredit Agency, it supports initiatives aimed at promoting the development of micro-entrepreneurship and self-employment, as well as the fight against poverty and the financial inclusion of those social categories defined as “non-bankable”. These two bodies manage and promote a range of national and local measures dedicated to the creation, development and investment of enterprises, with a special attention to youth, southern territories and digital and sustainable businesses. Yes I Start up, combined with SELFIEmployment, ​​has been recognized by the European Commission as an Italian good practice to help vulnerable groups to create new businesses. Yes I Start Up was replicated as a provincial measure, Yes I Start Up Calabria, which Italy is bringing as a good practice to be shown to the partners, as it deserves a relevant highlight. 

NAMENuovo SELFIEmploymentResto al SudSmart&StartCultura Crea 2.0Oltre Nuove Imprese a Tasso ZeroItalia Economia SocialeFondo Impresa FemminileMicrocredito ImprenditorialeYES I START UP CALABRIACLUSTER SICILIACONNESSIONIFAINSICILIARIPRESA IN SICILIA
FINANCED ACTIVITYCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + investmentsCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + investmentsStrengthening of existing businessesStrengthening of existing businessesCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + investmentsCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + trainingCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + trainingCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + investmentsCreation and strengthening of existing businesses + investmentssupports tangible and intangible investments for the benefit of the productive fabric of the individual districts, encouraging the development of specialization hubs and supporting business aggregation processes.Facilitate the meeting between innovation supply and demand, stimulate the adoption of advanced technologies, with particular regard to micro-entrepreneurship, promote innovative entrepreneurship, create or develop generative innovation places, production and work places, which must bring the enterprise and the young creative, start-up, possible coworking and fab lab. aggregation processes.Support the creation of new businesses, allow the emergence of a new generation of entrepreneurs, especially young people, encourage the birth of innovative start-ups, promote forms of self-employment. The maximum investment is set at €300,000
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Strengthen the competitiveness of the Sicilian entrepreneurial system and stimulate the repositioning of traditional sectors through the implementation of investments aimed at supporting growth and innovation, promoting processes of technology transfer and reconversion and redevelopment of production sites
The budget is 36 million euros
-16 million euros from FSC 2021/2027
-20 million euros from the POC 2014/2020

TYPE OF FINANCINGMicrocredit and small loans with zero interest rateNon repayable grants and interest-free loansA zero-interest loan is provided without any guarantee for 80% of eligible expenses.A subsidized interest-free loan up to 40% of the admitted expenditure
– a non-repayable grant up to 40% of the admitted expenditure
The concessions provide for a mix of zero-interest financing and non-repayable grants for business projects with costs of up to 3 million euros, which can cover up to 90% of total eligible expenses.subsidized loan at a rate of 0.5% per annum and with a maximum duration of 15 years, granted by the Ministry of Economic Development, drawn from the resources of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which must necessarily be combined with a bank loan equal to 30% of the total loan granted by the lending bank identified among those accredited;Microloan (repayment up to 2 years, zero interest rate)MicroloanMicroloannon-repayable grantNon-repayable contribution of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of 50%.The spending program is facilitated to a maximum of 75% with:
– a zero-interest loan
– a non-refundable grant
ACTIVATIONOne-stop shopOne-stop shopOne-stop shopOne-stop shopOne-stop shopone-stop shopOne-stop shopOne-stop shopOne stop shopOne stop shopOne stop shopOne stop shop
FINANCEABLE AMOUNT5,000euros – 50,000euros50,000 euros€ 100,000.00 and € 1,500,000.00.Create your business
● Spending programs up to 400,000 euros

Develop your business
● Spending programs up to 500,000 euros

Your non-profit enterprise
● Spending programs up to 400,000 euros
1,5 million euros1,000 – 25,000 euros10,000 euros25,000 eurosThe total eligible cost of the spending program must not be less than €200,000.00 and more than €1,800,000.00Spending programs of no less than 100,000 euros and no more than 800,000 euros are eligible
The spending programs concern:
– The creation of a new initiative;
– The extension, development and improvement of an existing initiative;
The spending program may have a sectoral focus, as long as it is consistent with Strategy S3.
– Property renovations (30% limit)
– Purchase of plant, machinery, equipment – software, know-how
– Specialist training (10% limit)
– Design costs

Expenditure programs of no less than 500,000 euros and no more than 5 million euros are eligible for the implementation of business projects integrated with research and development projects, in support of the industrialization of research results, for new technologies or innovative solutions in processes, products/services and organization

TYPE OF SOCIAL STRUCTURENEET, long-term unemployed, inactive womenIndividuals aged between 18 and 55 (56 not completed) who:
• Are resident in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, in the 116 Municipalities included in the seismic crater area of ​​Central Italy
The requirements that qualify a company as an “innovative startup” are indicated in art. 25 of the D.L. 179/2012.Businesses and non-profit initiatives in the tourism-cultural sector. The loans are active in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.Eligible companies must:
have a social structure made up of at least 51% of young people under 35 and women of all ages.
social enterprises of which legislative decree D.Lgs. n. 112 of 03/07/2017 established in the form of a company;
social cooperatives (Law no. 381 of 08/11/1991 and subsequent amendments) and related consortia;
cooperative companies with the status of ONLUS (Legislative Decree No. 460 of 04/12/1997 and subsequent amendments and additions).
The consortia/consortium companies/cooperatives/business networks already established or newly established at the date of submission of the application, representing the productive district
The consortium/consortium company/cooperative/enterprise network, of each district, must be participated for at least 30% by the enterprises adhering to the District Development Pact.
Small and medium enterprises, with experience and expertise in the management of places for innovation (accelerators, hubs, incubators, ….)
The consortium/consortium company/cooperative/enterprise network, of each district, must be participated for at least 30% by the enterprises adhering to the District Development Pact.

Anyone who intends to start a new business and has not yet set up the business;
– companies established for less than 36 months.
Small and medium enterprises
a) individually (proposing company)
b) with the adhesion of other small and medium-sized enterprises (proposing enterprise with adhering enterprises) – in this case the maximum number of adhering enterprises is 3
TYPE OF SUPPORTFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial supportFinancial supportFinancial supportFinancial supportFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial support + accompaniment/trainingFinancial supportFinancial supportFinancial supportFinancial support