ReSt@rts’ goal is to provide technical guidelines and tools including the set-up of an online platform – to enhance and foster the results of the MEDSt@rts and GIMED Projects and ENI initiatives in the Med countries, allowing a significant number of potential entrepreneurs from the Mediterranean area to realize long-term social returns.
ReSt@rts’ objectives are:
- To promote the transfer of knowledge and best practices in the Mediterranean area, for the promotion and improvement of access to finance initiatives according to ethical principles;
- To support business development services that encourage the creation of new economic and professional opportunities;
- To strengthen the system of ethical microfinance, already started by the MEDSt@rts, in the Mediterranean area;
- To empower a transnational network, which can be the right approach to link the demand with the offer of financial and non-financial services;
- To enhance field experiences and improve peer to peer initiatives by adopting collaborative approaches;
- To promote knowledge-transfer processes among the new partners in the Mediterranean countries.
ReSt@rts will create an innovative and full-structural model of support to provide access to finance, inspired by ethical finance and solidarity principles, to be re-adjustable and easily replicable in multiple environments.
- Main tangible and immediate expected change;
- New jobs necessary to the Project implementation (about 42 HRs);
- New services to subcontractors;
- New stable subject devoted to act as catalyst and broker for all involved actors (O.3.2);
- New Market Place Platform targeted at Med area;
- Implementing new Euro-Mediterranean partnership;
- Active involvement of local communities’ members, public authorities of both side of the Mediterranean involved areas;
- New entrepreneurially minded youth and women;
- New MSMEs founded or extended thanks to support received in accessing finance.
In the mid and long term:
- Development of new products and non-financial services available both in domestic and foreign markets;
- New jobs created;