Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

ReSt@rt Lebanon: Professional Networking and Business Alliance Agreement for Lebanese MFIs

The training took place on 25/07/2023 from 11 am till 12:30 pm using Zoom Platform and covered various topics, including the importance of partnerships, challenges and opportunities, negotiation and termination of partnership agreements, selecting potential partners, key success factors, failures…, in addition to an introduction of ReSt@rt program’s objectives and outcomes. This training was delivered by Dr. Lara Macaron – CCIAS Lebanon.

The training was followed by one-on-one coaching session with each and every microfinance institution that are parts of LMFA to provide them with the technical explanation and a step-by-step guidance to fully complete their registration on ReSt@rt Platform in a correct way.

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If you do not already have a ReSt@rts Account follow the link to request one.