Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups


Chamber of Achaia is among the first Chambers of Greece with a long history, established on 1836, It is a Public Law Legal Entity and offers consultative services to the Government.

Chamber of Achaia is considerably active in the field of enhancing innovative entrepreneurship, developing international outlook and competitiveness of SMEs and fostering potential start-up entrepreneurs and newly-established micro and small enterprises.

Moreover Chamber of Achaia participates in several initiatives that foster the development of entrepreneurship and implements special actions related to sustainable growth of the Region of Western Greece. More specifically the Chamber of Achaia is the leading part of the Managing Authority of European Programmes related to SMEs of Western Greece, Peloponnesus, Ipeiros and Ionian Islands. The specific MA is responsible for the evaluation, and monitoring of all investments realized by the SMEs within the frames of EC Funding.

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