Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups


The Chamber was established in 1933 as a non – profit organization under public law , with the aim of protecting and prompting economic interests by developing a constructive relationship between the private the and the public entities.

The CCI Objectives are targeted at two levels: to take care of member’s interest, and at the same time, to represent the country’s economic sectors.

Its Objectives can be summarized as follows:

  • Rebuilding the human and structural capacities of SME’s, and advancing its efficiency and ability to perform its functions.
  • Serving as a special platform to address the concerns of the business community and to put accross to the government the business views of the private sector.
  • Providing information and a network of contacts to potential members and to businessmen with direct Lebanese business dealings, as well as to those who have an intention to do business in Lebanon.
  • Developing its world wide web internet site with a plan for regular update, links to other sites, and creative expansion.
  • Establishing an information administration center with the aim to promote the efficient and effective use of information gathered, and formalize this information as a key asset in the business development of the South Region.
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