The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate body functioning under special law and is financially independent, free of any influence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members’ subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services it provides.
The basic objective of the CCCI is to safeguard and steadily develop the Cyprus Economy in order to continuously improve the standard of living and prosperity of all the people of Cyprus.
This objective outlines and determines the policy of the CCCI and its activities which aim at offering high quality services to members, including:
- Promotion of the interests of the business community, within the framework of the broader interests of Cyprus and the welfare of its people.
- Strengthening of private initiative which constitutes the backbone of the economy while safeguarding and promoting, at the same time, the liberal character of the economic system of Cyprus.
- Being abreast of the economic developments and maximising the contribution of the business community to the country’s progress.
- Contributing towards continuous and balanced growth nationwide, within the framework of the European Union