Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups


TRACE North-West

TRACE Jendouba – Béja Name of responsible organization: Microfinanza Srl – ACK International – AGER Website: Tunisia – NATIONAL OR LOCAL From 2021-2024 Support the job creation in the

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FAST – Femme accélération pour les Startups et TPE Name of responsible organization: The Deposit and Consignment Fund with technical assiatcne of Expertise France Website: Tunisia – NATIONAL OR

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Agritech innovation

Agritech innovation Name of responsible organization: CEED Tunisie Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL N/L Starting year 2021 End year 2022 An Open Innovation porgramme dedicated to Agritech in Tunisia creating

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Service pack financing by Afkar

Service pack financing by Afkar Name of responsible organization: Afkar Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL N/L Starting year 2019 End year 2022 In partnership with AFD, Expertise France and CDC,

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PRASOC – Programme d’appui au secteur privé et à l’inclusion financière dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l’économie sociale et solidaire Name of responsible organization: AICS – Italian Agency

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ADAPT – Appui au Développement durable dans le secteur de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche artisanale en Tunisie Name of responsible organization: AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development

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Tunisia National Mesures

In Tunisia multiple initiatives supporting entrepreneurship have been undertaken, in line with the needs of the different sectors, in order to contribute to the fight against unemployment and to support

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Booklet for Microfinance Providers

TRACE North-West

TRACE Jendouba – Béja Name of responsible organization: Microfinanza Srl – ACK International – AGER Website: Tunisia – NATIONAL OR LOCAL From 2021-2024 Support the job creation in the

Booklet for Microfinance Providers


FAST – Femme accélération pour les Startups et TPE Name of responsible organization: The Deposit and Consignment Fund with technical assiatcne of Expertise France Website: Tunisia – NATIONAL OR

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Appui aux entrepreneurs et prometeurs migrants et tunisiens

Appui aux entrepreneurs et promoteurs migrants et tunisiens Name of responsible organization: CEED Tunisie Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL Starting year 2021 – End year 2022 This project fosters socio-economic

Agritech innovation

Agritech innovation Name of responsible organization: CEED Tunisie Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL N/L Starting year 2021 End year 2022 An Open Innovation porgramme dedicated to Agritech in Tunisia creating

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Service pack financing by Afkar

Service pack financing by Afkar Name of responsible organization: Afkar Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL N/L Starting year 2019 End year 2022 In partnership with AFD, Expertise France and CDC,

Booklet for Microfinance Providers


PRASOC – Programme d’appui au secteur privé et à l’inclusion financière dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l’économie sociale et solidaire Name of responsible organization: AICS – Italian Agency

Booklet for Microfinance Providers


ADAPT – Appui au Développement durable dans le secteur de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche artisanale en Tunisie Name of responsible organization: AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development

Tunisia National Mesures

In Tunisia multiple initiatives supporting entrepreneurship have been undertaken, in line with the needs of the different sectors, in order to contribute to the fight against unemployment and to support

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