Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

ITALY REGIONAL MEASURES – Sicilia – Connessioni

ObjectiveFacilitate the meeting between innovation supply and demand, stimulate the adoption of advanced technologies, with particular regard to micro-entrepreneurship, promote innovative entrepreneurship, create or develop generative innovation places, production and work places, which must bring the enterprise and the young creative, start-up, possible coworking and fab lab. The budget is 2 million euros:
– 1.6 million euros from FSC 2021/2027;
– 0.4 million euros for POC 2014/2020  
TargetSmall and medium enterprises, with experience and expertise in the management of places for innovation (accelerators, hubs, incubators, ….)
Business activities admittedSpending programs of no less than 100,000 euros and no more than 800,000 euros are eligible The spending programs concern:
– The creation of a new initiative;
– The extension, development and improvement of an existing initiative.
The spending program may have a sectoral focus, as long as it is consistent with Strategy S3.
Max funding amountNon-repayable contribution of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of 50%.
Eligible expenses– Adaptation or building renovation of buildings (limit of 30%) on condition that the proposing subject owns the property for at least 5 years;
– Costs for design and construction management (limit of 6%);
– Furniture, machinery, tools, equipment and hardware;
– Portals, software and software user licenses, patents and know-how;
– Entrepreneurial animation necessary to launch the initiative;
– General expenses (first year only within the limit of 7%).
Facilitated Funding    
Managing BodyRegione Sicilia
Deadline for submissionUntil funds run out
Modality for submissionOver the counter. There are no tenders, deadlines or rankings and funding can be requested until the available resources are exhausted.
SubmissionTo be determined
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