Reinforcing Med Microfinance Network System for Start-ups

March 7, 2023

Italy National Measures – Enterpreneurial Microcredit

ENTREPRENEURIAL MICROCREDIT Name of responsible organization: NATIONAL MICROCREDIT BODY (Pubblic Uthority) Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL National Starting year 2011 End year open Short description Microcredit is a financial instrument

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The content of the booklet is one of the main outputs of the Rest@rt project realized by Federterziario. It aims to gather in a single document, through an operational slant,

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Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy Regional Measures – Puglia – PIA piccole Imprese

PIA piccole imprese (SMALL ENTERPRISES) Objective The measure is intended for small businesses, which can make investments in local units located/to be located in the territory of the Puglia Region

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy Regional Measures – Puglia – NIDI

NIDI Objective The measure supports the birth of new entrepreneurial and self-employed businesses in Puglia. Target Who intends to start a new business and has not yet set up the

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Enterpreneurial Microcredit

ENTREPRENEURIAL MICROCREDIT Name of responsible organization: NATIONAL MICROCREDIT BODY (Pubblic Uthority) Website: NATIONAL OR LOCAL National Starting year 2011 End year open Short description Microcredit is a financial instrument

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Fondo Impresa Femminile

  Fondo Impresa Femminile Objective The measure promotes and supports the initiation and strengthening of female entrepreneurship and the dissemination of the values of entrepreneurship and work among the female

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Italia Economia Sociale

  Italia Economia Sociale Objective Italy Social Economy is a subsidy program of the Ministry of Economic Development aimed at the birth and growth of companies that operate for the

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Nito ON

  NITO-ON – Oltre Nuove Imprese a tasso Zero Objective  “ON – Beyond New Businesses at zero interest” is aimed at micro and small businesses made up mostly of young

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Cultura crea 2.0

Cultura Crea 2.0 Objective Cultura Crea 2.0 is the incentive that supports the birth and growth of businesses and non-profit initiatives in the tourism-cultural sector. The loans are active in

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Smart and Start Italia

SMART & START ITALIA Objective Smart & Start Italia supports the birth and growth of innovative startups throughout the national territory. Target • Small-sized innovative startups established no more than

Booklet for Microfinance Providers

Italy National Measures – Resto al Sud

Resto al Sud Objective The measure supports the start-up of new entrepreneurial activities in the areas of southern Italy and in other specific territories. Target Individuals aged between 18 and

Booklet for Microfinance Providers


The content of the booklet is one of the main outputs of the Rest@rt project realized by Federterziario. It aims to gather in a single document, through an operational slant,

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